Xpert Pole (Static & Spin Pole)
The chart below is to be used to find out what extensions you need based on your ceiling height. The standard Xpert Xpole can be used at any height from 7'4" to 9 ft which is standard ceiling heights for most apartments and homes. The standard Xpert pole comes with (4) pole pieces as shown below in the 4th photo. You'll use 2-4 of those pole pieces based on your ceiling height.
If your ceiling is over 9 ft then you'll need to view the chart below to see what additional extensions you'll need to setup your pole. Always get an exact measurement for the room(s) you want to put your pole in using a measuring tape and measure from top of ceiling to the floor. Do not estimate when it comes to this, you need an exact measurement so that you order the correct extension(s) and can set up your pole properly. Once you know what extensions are needed go to the SHOP tab and choose Poles. Click on Extensions from the Collections list and add the correct extensions to your order.
If you have any questions please call or send an email before ordering and we'll be happy to answer them for you. Please leave a message if you get our voicemail and your call will be returned promptly.
Xpert Pro Pole
Use the chart below if you are ordering the new Xpert Pro Pole with new locking system. This pole comes standard to be used on ceiling heights of 7'4" up to 9ft. If your ceiling is over 9 ft then you'll need to view the chart below to see what additional extensions you'll need to setup your pole based on your exact ceiling height. You can order extensions on the shop page. If extensions are not listed they may be out of stock with Xpole warehouse and if so please give me a call so I can place a pre-order for you.